Feel Amazing
Relax and unwind at my luxurious and modern clinic set in Handforth, near Wilmslow, Cheshire. I offer Clinical Reflexology, Hot Stone Massage, Indian Head Massage and Aromatherapy treatments.

Shellac Garden Makeover

I recently had a client for reflexology who admired my nails. She said she couldn’t possibly have a manicure as her nails were such a state due to her passion for gardening. She was in need of a shellac garden makeover 🙂

mudAs luck would have it she was my last client of the day so I rose to the challenge and what a differencenomud a CND Shellac Manicure made.

She was so pleased with the results and promised to start using solar oil daily and to start wearing gloves next time she did a garden makeover.

CND Shellac is a two week manicure but you need to follow the aftercare advice given my your nail technician.

Click here for aftercare do’s and don’ts.







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